Archive for April 1, 2009

Damn Fine Tea


You haven’t had real tea until you’ve tried it in its natural, loose-leaf form. A world apart from the tea-bags sold at your local grocery store, loose leaf green tea…

Visit Uncrate for the full post.

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Introduced on April Fool’s Day 2004, Gmail turns five years old today, and is decidedly not a joke. [Lifehacker]

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Submitted by: Dave Knoxville

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Another example thrown onto the pile of Obama acting like he is trying to destroy the country. Think of a single American president who thinks so little of our country, it’s energy, drive, and can-do spirit. We invented prosperity fer chrissakes. Who is this guy?

Today at the G-20 Summit from the New York Times.

Mr. Obama issued a caution that the United States was unlikely to return to its role as a “voracious consumer market” that could anchor the world economy, and warned that other nations needed to do more to revive growth in their home markets. . . .

How can a President say we will not return to our former prosperity? Billions of independent decisions made by individuals and corporations every day bring about prosperity in a capitalist society. The only way Obama’s statement can possibly be true is if he literally intends to end free markets and capitalism itself with a takeover of every significant industry in the country. Any other option makes his statement patently absurd.

But The Commissar wasn’t done yet.

But over the long term, Mr. Obama appeared to be preparing the world for a reshaped global economy in which the United States no longer was the ultimate export market for the world’s established and emerging powers. It was that habit of overconsumption, he appeared to say, that led to the boom-and-bust cycles that he has said must end.

Uh, listen moron, that consumption is the engine that drives prosperity in a free-market. Does Obama somehow aim to curtail the consumption of goods and services of the American people? I guess he plans to tax us until we have no money to buy things. Then again, he and Barney Frank can just take over companies and cap salaries. That will put a crimp in purchasing power, and kill off innovation and entrepreneurial activity. If he cuts our ability to buy foreign products, won’t that hurt the economies of countries who rely on exports to the United States?

It would be nice to just call him a misguided idiot. But an idiot he is not. He is a mortal threat to our country as we know it.

If you want a comparison between Obama’s bleak, hopeless world view and a guy that believes in the power of individual freedom and American greatness, check this out. The last two minutes show what a post-Obama world can be.

American presidents talk like that.

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A March 8, 2009, sighting in CA is caught on camera.Caught on camera.Out of California, a March 8, 2009, sighting reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database on March 31.Very little coming from the witness, but the logged-in testimony is bel…

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Another news story, another mention of a trillion–or more–dollars. If it’s difficult to even comprehend laying “one trillion dollar bills end to end” so that it “reaches the sun,” don’t worry. has a wonderful visual of what a trillion dollars actually looks like. It’s reminiscent of museum plaques comparing man to various Jurassic reptiles. Check out the fun explainer here. If time is money, scroll down for the big picture (at the bottom left corner is our sample man):


Via Unemploymentality

Associate Editor Katherine Mangu-Ward blogged another easy way to think of a trillion dollars.


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For those who insist on keeping a gun between the mattress, well here is a safe for you.

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New Jersey holds a funeral. Iowa legislators kick the tax protesters out of the Statehouse.



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Looks like the San Francisco Dipshits are really doing their homework on Matthew Stafford. Never mind that they are picking 10th and he will be long gone before they can select him…

Niners head coach Mike Singletary told KNBR (680 AM) in San Francisco this week that “if you’re going to look at drafting a guy in the first round, and you’re going to pay him millions of dollars, and asking him about a divorce about his parents, if that’s going to be an issue, uhhh, then you know what, maybe he doesn’t belong here.”

Stafford, a potential first-round draft pick, told the Detroit Free Press that the psychologist presumed Stafford had “unfinished business” about his parents’ split in high school.

Is Singletary fucking serious? They won’t draft a guy because he might have an issue with his parent’s divorce! The 49ers used to be the pillar of what all NFL franchises wanted to be when they had Joe Montana winning Super Bowls left and right. If Bill Walsh would have thought the way Singletary does then maybe the 49ers wouldn’t have drafted Montana because he likes to masturbate upstairs.

If you don’t get the Montana masturbating joke then look it up. I’m too lazy to explain it.

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